This seems like as good a place as any to explain the genesis of the “Chimney Sparrow” motif.
It was roughly 8 1/2 years ago, and my wife and I had only just met – we hadn’t even vocalized any interest in each other and were shy to do so, what with her being my student at a dance studio (scandal, I know).
One day while taking a short break, she asked me one of those classic I’m-sizing-you-up-to-see-what-kind-of-person-you-are questions: “If you could be any animal, what would you be?”
Me: I would probably be some kind of bird…
Her: (Thinking I’m going to pick something like an eagle).
Me: …like a chimney sparrow!
Her: What…?
The problem with this response – although fortunately it wasn’t noticed at the time – is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CHIMNEY SPARROW. I had in fact meant to say “chimney sweep”, which is a bird that likes to nest in uncovered chimneys, and looks like a cigar with wings attached.
Anyway, over time it became something of joke between us. And hey, if I’m the only one, that means… I’m one of a kind!
So there you have it – super-excited for how well the logo turned out (and also, obviously, our relationship). Let it inspire a thousand songs and a thousand more.
Photo Credits:
Gerhard G. from Pixabay
Anna Shvets from Pexels