Communication, and Why We’re Terrible At It

Writing is hard. At least good writing is; dodging all the hackneyed phrases and tired cliches to produce something semi-original and authentic.

More and more, I find myself craving a better grasp of the english language. With each word learned, I come closer to saying something completely honest. But it’s still just an approximation.

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The flip side

Declaring something to the world is a dangerous business; the world has a way of immediately testing you to see if you’ll hold to your convictions, or pointing out flaws in your theory.

For example, yesterday I talked how useful the piano was in helping me find melodies and harmonies I liked. And IMMEDIATELY after that, I began to see where this strategy falls short.

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Goal #2 is on the way!

In my first post, I mentioned three immediate goals I had:

  1. Produce my first song made entirely from notes I’ve created
  2. Develop an ear for EQ and compression, starting by fiddling with the two songs I’ve already made
  3. Continue building my loop library, by systematically going through every single instrument GarageBand has to offer, and building riffs from everything that sounds like it has potential

Goals #2 and #3 have been seeing the most action lately, as I’m a completionist who can’t stand starting a new song without being sure I’ve completely “finished” the mixes I’ve already played around with.

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New Studio Monitors! (And some other stuff)

It’s hard not to feel obligated to write about what I think others want to hear. I have the same issue when I teach dance, concerned with how I come across to others and if they doubt my abilities. I want to produce something more honest, and this blog – and the potential career path it represents – is my stab at that.

Sorry, there’s going to be a lot of insecurity here. But that’s part of my Truth.

I picked up a pair of KRK Rokit G4 Speaker Monitors on Monday. In case you are interested, here’s their stats:

Continue reading “New Studio Monitors! (And some other stuff)”