1000+ Hours!

It’s official: I’m 10% of the way towards my “mastery” goal of 10,000 hours in the music industry.

I can safely say I’ve never put so much intentional time into a meaningful goal I’ve set for myself. This is new ground, which is both scary and exciting.

To commemorate the occasion, I thought I’d take stock of my journey – what’s changed, where I thought I’d be compared to where I am, etc.

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Be Not Afraid of Failure

Like most artists, I worry about finances a lot. One of my worst fears is of running out of money, not being able to support my wife, and us ultimately having to return home to Toronto. In my mind, that would make me a “failure”.

But what does it mean to fail anyway? Is it the same for each person? Does it mean we don’t succeed at one endeavour, or ALL endeavours? Is that even possible? What’s the difference between failing and being a “failure”?

I won’t pretend to have the answers to these questions. BUT I gots plenty of opinions! Let’s dive in!

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My Daily Routine

I’ve often struggled with finding a consistent pattern of starting my day. It bothered me, because I’ve heard of how many successful people use it as a way to jumpstart their day. And it makes intuitive sense: To create a consistently focused mind space, prep it for the day in a consistent way.

Recently however, I think I’ve hit on something that works. Here’s how it goes.

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Benchpress Your MIND

I’ve been taking up daily guided meditations lately, through this helpful app called Brightmind – the first 8 sessions are free, check them out!

One thing I really like about the Brightmind approach is they keep it simple, while organizing their meditations around various approaches, like reducing stress, improving sleep quality – important stuff like that.

As someone with ADD, I’m often frustrated with the typical sit-still-and-focus-on-your-breath strategy. But the directional approach really works for me.. And maybe for you too?

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