Upgrade Get: House!

new house for music studio

We’ve done it again, folks.

After two years-ish of living in our triplex in Halifax proper, we felt the need for a change.

Fast-forward through all the stress of getting outbid over and over, and we found this roomy little number (well, the number is blurred out, but you know what I mean).

A few details about the place:

  1. It’s a detached home, so we can be our rambunctious selves without pissing off the neighbours… Too much.
  2. It has three bedrooms, and we have plans to add a fourth (since we’ll be working/sleeping in the others).
  3. Two floors, two bathrooms. AKA, my wife won’t be complaining about my beard shavings in the sink anymore.

We did the bulk of the moving yesterday, so only the living room has any semblance of normalcy at the moment, but we both booked three more days off to finalize the move and start unpacking the many MANY boxes.

So you might ask, what does this mean for my music work going forward? Well, two things really:

Enjoying dinner after a LOOOOOONG day.

Dedicated Studio Space

The biggest change BY FAR for me, is that I finally have my own room to create music! It’s small, but brimming with potential, and it’s one of the quietest rooms in the house.

The size means I’ll probably have to place some acoustic treatments to reduce echoes (expect some articles on that in the future).

But on a personal note, it’s the first time in over ten years that I’ve had a room that’s completely mine. Even before that really, since I didn’t have enough of an idea who I actually was to bother putting up silly things like posters or whatever.

Having a space that supports the values I’ve come to hold excites me more than I know how to explain at the moment. I’ll upload some pictures as I gradually set things up.

music studio, version one
It begins...

More Videos!...?

Okay, I’ll admit I struggle with this one.

Creating any videos at the triplex was challenging, because the camera had to be placed in the middle of a hallway, and my voice carried over by my wife in the next room (whose work involves a LOT of video calls).

The new house however, would have us working on completely different floors, so that should be much less of an issue, unless I decide to do a commentary on heavy metal or something.

There’s also the issue of time commitment: Creating and editing videos can take a long time, and I really want to spend more time composing and learning the piano as well.

All that said, I would really like to have more videos accompanying my blog articles, and eventually more educational how-tos as well. Just don’t expect them to come out every week.

And that’s all for now! Time to eat some food and start unpacking…

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