New Province, New Hopes, Old Fears

A little over a week ago, my wife, our bunny Wembley, and myself packed ourselves into our Elantra and drove two days, from Toronto, Ontario to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where our new home nestles in the form of a cute, cottage-like building.

Thanks to one of our residents for the beautiful flowers out front!

Our reasons for leaving are too complicated and personal to put down here – suffice to say we both needed a change and a fresh start in a new place where we knew almost nobody.

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Logic Pro X: First Impressions

Sorry for the long absence folks! My wife, our bunny, and I just finished a gruelling move from Toronto to Halifax to begin our new lives. It’s terrifying being here, so far away from family. Can’t wait to see where it leads!

I’ve begun trying out different DAWs in preparation to buy one, and the first one under scrutiny is Logic Pro X! (Currently 10.5.1) I started with this one because it’s the most similar to Garageband, so I hoped the level of frustration/overwhelm would be a bit more manageable than if I’d tried a completely new system.

Continue reading “Logic Pro X: First Impressions”