Music Theory Rant

Music theory intimidates me.

Ever since public school, where we sang Christmas carols in the hallways every December, I’ve regarded sheet music, chord progressions, and scales as the relics of some alien civilization: Something to be studied, but too strange to be adopted.

I’m finally trying to change that though, starting with a music theory class offered by Pretty cool site if you don’t know, offering free university-level training on a variety of subjects.

Turns out it’s a LOT more confusing than I thought.

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TuneFish 4 Does Not Seem to Suck

NOTE: I did not accept any money for this review, from Brain Control or anyone. The thoughts and opinions below are entirely my own.

So I downloaded the free TuneFish 4 synth from Brain Control – it’s the first non-GB synth I’ve used – and I’ve tinkered around for a couple months now. I have to say, I’m finding it to be a pretty versatile, user-friendly experience.

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1% Checkpoint Reached!

Most of us have heard that mastery in any craft requires 10,000 hour of deliberate practice.

Today, I’m excited to announce that I have completed my 100th hour, or a whopping 1% towards that goal! Woot!!

In celebration, I’ve uploaded my chart of my hours so far to the site (you can find it under the “My Progress” tab) and will try to update it at least once a week. Check it out from time to time! Slightly more exciting than watching grass grow!

Guilt in the Time of COVID-19

I am very impressionable. I like finishing an evening of television with something positive, so my mind is in a good place when it’s time to sleep. The pain and suffering of others has a way of rubbing off on me, which is why I don’t read the news.

Which means COVID-19 caught me by surprise. And it’s made me question whether my no-news policy is a good one.

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The Grind (AKA The Daily Discomfort)

I haven’t even sat down at my desk when it hits me. A kind of vague, creeping dread of the unknown journey to come.

Over the next 2 hours, I will face frustrations and setbacks. Things I thought would come easily, won’t. Theories I had about how to make something sound a certain way will fall through. And once and a while, in a brief but weightless moment, I will get something to work.

Continue reading “The Grind (AKA The Daily Discomfort)”