Things I’ve Learned Scoring a Movie Trailer

I’m nearing the end of scoring for a movie trailer I imported (just a pet project for practice, nothing pro yet). I’ll post it up here once it’s done.

It’s been a surprisingly fun ride (most of the time), and I thought, ‘hey, maybe someone else could benefit from my impressions, as someone new to this sort of thing.’

And so here we are.

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On Lovingkindness Meditation and Compassion

I wouldn’t say that compassion and empathy come naturally to me. I wish it did, at least up to a point, but it’s just not the direction my mind would go if I didn’t herd it in that direction.

This is a problem when it comes to doing good work. I mean, you just tend to push harder when you’re more aware of people who may benefit from your efforts.

There’s lots of other benefits too (read on for more).

There’s good news though: The latest research suggests that meditation can be effective at rewiring our brain to consider others more. Specifically through a special format known as lovingkindness.

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Street Epistemology, and How It Can Help Your Music

I had my first real brush with street epistemology a week ago, on Anthony Magnabosco’s YouTube channel.

Most of the videos consist of him interviewing individuals on a variety of controversial topics, from the existence of God to karma, ghosts, political views, and so on.

Amazingly though, they don’t end (so far) with threats of violence. This is due to the unique way Anthony engages people, collaborating with them to explore how they know what they think they know.

And it got me thinking – can we turn this approach on itself to make us better composers? (Spoiler: Yes!)

But wait, there's more!

Bouncing Back From Defeat

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
- Samuel Beckett

A couple days ago, I started practicing on the Golden Ears Training CDs after nearly a month of practicing with my own patch (which I’ve talked about previously).

I did terrible at it. And I didn’t get much better yesterday.

Still smarting from that, I started working on my trailer project today, only to blow a whole morning unsuccessfully trying to create a realistic-sounding glissando with string samples.

So… An article about bouncing back from setbacks feels like something we BOTH need.

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