I Feel, Therefore I Am

Before I share this, I just want to say that I do not have a Philosophy major, nor do I think I am reinventing the wheel. Nevertheless, here’s some thoughts I have. Make of them what you will.

March 4, 2021

Just finished reading about René Descartes, from a book <REDACTED> lent me. I was excited to learn more about Mr. ‘I think, therefore I am’, largely because another book – placing more emphasis on the emotional side of learning – suggested that Descartes had actually just given voice to our most fundamental misunderstanding; believing we are our thoughts, rather than our feelings. But now I’m wondering, what if we are both?

Mmmm… Knowledge.
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No One Knows Everything

Heck, not even everyone knows everything. But you know what I mean.

Well, except maybe this guy.

I recently started an exchange of services with a couple recording studios in the city – they teach me stuff about music, and I help them with their website, or blog writing, or whatever.

It’s a good system, I recommend it.

It also highlights something I’ve told my dance students for years, which is to learn from multiple instructors, rather than just one.

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The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Studio Microphones

So, I recently added this sexy number to my collection:

Now with dramatic shadows!

This is my first microphone, so a considerable amount of research went into what distinguishes a good microphone from a less-good one.

I thought I’d share what I learned with you. Sound good? Then here we go.

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Attachment and the Stock Market

A few years back, I took a course on how to day trade on the stock market. It seemed so cool at the time – learning to understand numbers and patterns so you could make money off of it.

It will all be MINE! HA HA HA HA!!! *ahem*

In the end, I decided it wasn’t for me – it felt too much like I was basically stealing from others without offering value – but the experience eventually grew into the metaphor I present today.

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‘Authentic’ is Overrated

Let’s talk about ‘translatability’.

Translatability is a measure of how well music sounds, or ‘translates’, across multiple devices. Different speakers, headphones, PA systems, etc. bring out different frequencies of sound in your mix, so it’s important to make sure it sounds good on as many of them as possible.

It’s also a decent metaphor (I think) for how well what the artist hears translates to the general public.

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Following the Fear

It’s another high anxiety day again.

These things happen. Some days I wake up and my heart is pulsing harder than usual, making me too wired and too tired at the same time. Sometimes it’s like a stone is lodged deep in my windpipe, making breathing a struggle.

It’s often tempting to take the day off, stay in bed, and focus on self-comfort. But reality doesn’t always allow that luxury, and it rarely helps anyway.

I’m not sure how other people who feel anxiety, feel it – is it different for each person? Does it change every time? For me, it often acts as a compass, pointing at the scariest thing in my life right now.

And addressing that thing, of course, is the only way to truly let the anxiety go.

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Embiggening Your Sound with Stereo Widening

As I continue tweaking and twerking (am I saying that right?) my latest song, Sundown Ride, I find myself trying to ’embiggen’ the sound – making it seem to surround the listener, if possible.

The journey to get better at doing this led me on a quest to discover the secret of stereo widening. Basically I read a small collection of online articles and Reddit forums, and looked for commonalities between them that also matched up with my experiences.

If you want to really sink your teeth into this stuff, just scroll to the bottom to check out the articles. Otherwise, read on, brave soul!

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